
Shipping Policy
Shipping Carriers:
The carriers we use to handle and deliver your order are Federal Express (Fed Ex), the United States Postal Service (USPS), United Parcel Service (UPS) and motor freight on the larger items.  Due to the size and weight, for larger items please contact us for shipping/handling cost to your location.

Wildwood Creations does not deliver to international destinations. We do ship within the continental United States.

Return Policy
Returns Due to Defects:
Although the manufacturers we work with develop products of the highest craftsmanship and quality, occasionally a minor defect may pass through the manufacturer's quality control system. Our manufacturers stand behind their products 100%, and request that you contact Wildwood Creations directly with any unacceptable problems. If you receive your product and it appears to be defective, please contact Wildwood Creations immediately.

Damaged Goods Policy
If you received an order that was damaged in shipping, please contact us immediately. Do not return the item to us as the shipping carrier must have the opportunity to establish a claim and, possibly, inspect the damaged carton. If the shipping carrier cannot verify that there is a covered loss under the transit insurance because an item has been returned to us, or its condition of receipt has been compromised, we reserve the right to deduct a loss percentage up to and including the full purchase price of the product.

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